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Old 05-31-2006, 05:03 PM
Darkhorse Darkhorse is offline
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Might as well make this thread as informative as possible:

Originally Posted by Freddy over at Meso-RX
Ok, its becoming blatantly obvious that precious few of you know how to "olympic" style squat.

There are basically two kinds of back-squat. What we like to refer to as the power-squat, or the powerlifter style squat, or the low bar squat. This is what COMPETITIVE powerlifters and strength athletes should be concerned with. I'll save that for another thread.

Its FAR more important that most of you learn to Olympic style squat first. Most every weight-trainer should know how to do this, whether you're a competitive olympic weightlifter, powerlifter, strongman, highland games athlete, or even if you're just a recreational, non-competitive bodybuilder like most people in this forum...

There is no faster way to get big and strong ALL over your entire body, and the reason that many of you guys do tons of gear and are still big pussies is because you can't Oly squat for shit!

ALSO, I know that most of you THINK you know how to squat. Well, I'll tell you all that most of you don't.

Here is how you properly "oly" squat:

1.) Take a medium-narrow stance. This varies a lot between athletes. Its not really important which stance you prefer, so long as you pick the one that lets you get the DEEPEST. Do NOT pick the one you are strongest at, pick the one that gives you the BIGGEST range of motion. For some athletes, this might even be a slightly wide stance.

2.) Wear the bar as high as possible. Do not wear it low on your back. It should be near your neck or the top of your traps.

3.) Do them raw. This means NO equipment. No tight ass knee wraps, and unless you're a competitive athlete, NO belt. If you're doing them right, knee wraps will just prevent you from getting as deep as possible. Instead, wear neoprene knee sleeves or ace-bandage wraps that can be purchased for very little money at any local pharmacy. Remember, oly squats are FAR better for your knees than quarter squats done with knee wraps on, so stop crying like a 10 year old girl and LEARN how to do it. It might take a week or two.

4.) Footwear is very important. THAT DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN EXPENSIVE. Now, I won't lie to you, the BEST footwear is custom made olympic lifting shoes. These can be purchased from a variety of sources, which I may get into later. HOWEVER, if you're too cheap, broke, or lazy to purchase another pair of shoes (though its pretty much a one-time purchase) DO WHAT THE OLDSCHOOL LIFTERS DID! Squat barefoot. No, you won't be able to get QUITE as deep without oly shoes on. But you WILL get pretty DAMN close. Everyone I've ever met or trained with could get ass-to-grass barefoot, and one of my training partners could actually touch the floor with his ass while oly squatting barefoot.

5.) Stop being a fucking pussy about it. I am so sick and damn tired of the excuses for not oly squatting. JS has personally coached literally hundreds of athletes, and has trained with or watched thousands of others. ALL were capable of learning to Oly squat with a few or so weeks practice. My old training partner has pronounced scoliosis and still went on to oly squat 2x bodyweight. If you are hurting your knees, 99.9% of the time its not your genetics, YOU'RE JUST DOING THEM WRONG.

Last edited by Darkhorse; 07-30-2006 at 05:09 PM.
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