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J-Rock 02-04-2008 02:51 PM

Quickest way to weight loss
I have gained some weight the past couple semesters and I need to get rid of it before it gets out of control. What do you think would be the best way to drop 20lbs quickly? Portioning, cut carbs, etc. I am not worried about losing some muscle mass since I going to start from scratch.

Any options beside this :puke: are fine

Any supplements that will aid me?

Thank you in advance for your suggestions

Stats: 25/m/6-1/230lbs

EricT 02-04-2008 02:54 PM

That's you only reason though? Before it gets out of control? Because if that is the only reason then it is not worth going crazy and sacrifising lean mass needlessly. It won't get out of control if you don't let it. That doesn't mean you need to do a sprint when a good steady jog will do.

hrdgain81 02-05-2008 07:24 AM

J, how much cardio are you currently doing? and what is your diet like?

triqqey 02-05-2008 02:49 PM

if you really wanna lose weight quickly, eat plenty of fish, chicken and veggies, and cut out all carbs except for 1/4 cup of brown rice a day along with vigorous exercise 4-7 times a week.
that'll work pretty much guaranteed. unfortunately, once you stop this diet your body will put on fat at a faster rate. but if your super short-term goal is to lose any and all weight, that's your best bet. if your overall goal is having a good body the rest of your life, it takes a lifestyle change. think rabbit versus the hare.

TALO 02-05-2008 03:35 PM

If you do that , you will lose alot of muscle also. So ya if your goal is to become skinny - go ahead.

A balance diet of protein / carbs / fat with cardio will do the trick.

at 230lbs, try 250g protein, 150-200 carbs, 80-90g fat. Cut out all sugar.

ENORRIS 02-05-2008 08:12 PM

Agreed Talo... Good numbers too.. Give that a try... You have to eat just the right amount of the right stuff.. kudos on the no sugar too... We don't need processed sugar for anything.. I'm seconding the opinion.. Those numbers with some moderate exercise will produce dramatic results and can save some lean mass as well...

J-Rock 02-06-2008 01:17 PM

Since this semester has been kicking my ass and so is the next one, I have been lifting 4 days a week doing cardio on those 4 days also. I do 60 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill at 160bpm and use the free weights to increase the strength in both my primary and stabilizing muscles.

My diet consists of

Breakfast- 1 cup of skim milk, 6 egg whites, 1 cup steel cut oats with 1 tblspn honey and splenda, and a banana

Meal 2- 1 4oz piece of chicken and 1 cup of brocolli

Meal 3 - 1 can light tuna and 1 cup of brown rice

Meal 4- 1 cup of oats and 50g of whey protein

Meal 5- 4 oz of chicken, and 1 cup brocolli

Meal 6- orange roughy and carrots and squash

Meal 7- sugar free jello or pudding

I drink almost 2 gallons of water a day. It is often difficult because it is not warm here right now.

Thanks for all the responses.:bannana1:

J-Rock 02-07-2008 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by TALO (Post 47994)
If you do that , you will lose alot of muscle also. So ya if your goal is to become skinny - go ahead.

A balance diet of protein / carbs / fat with cardio will do the trick.

at 230lbs, try 250g protein, 150-200 carbs, 80-90g fat. Cut out all sugar.

I started my new diet and exercise routine today. Hope this works.
Are there any supplements that would aid me with this process?

iron_worker 02-08-2008 11:21 AM

ECA stack helps but its a bit extreme for just casual fat loss. Thats more for a "cutting" process. I know everyone hates that word though lol.

J-Rock 02-08-2008 02:01 PM

thanks for the responses

TALO 02-08-2008 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by J-Rock (Post 48132)
I started my new diet and exercise routine today. Hope this works.
Are there any supplements that would aid me with this process?

Creatine, fish oil , whey, waxy maize, and green tea.

Goodluck with the diet and training.

J-Rock 02-08-2008 05:06 PM

Okay, got all of those except for the waxy maize. I will read up on it. I have omega 3-6-9 gel capsules, not just the fish oil. I have CEE tablets. Would monohydrate benefit me more while losing weight?

TALO 02-08-2008 05:13 PM

CEE is fine. How many grams are you taking before and after ?

Personally I'm taking mono, but I like CEE better , no need for a carrier and it doesn't have to be taken every day...Just on training days.

J-Rock 02-08-2008 05:28 PM

I am taking German American Tech Xc4 Creatine Ethyl Ester. In 4 capsules it has CREATINE ETHYL ESTER HCL 2100 Mg N/A*



I take 4 capsules before training and 4 after.

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