Thread: Stepping it up
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Old 09-29-2005, 08:59 AM
EricT EricT is offline
Rank: Heavyweight
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 6,314

So, your doing some type of linear period perioization separated into lower and upper days?

Why don't you wait and see how your arms respond? You're already increasing the frequency. And I think you'll be surprised what a difference all those extra compound sets make.

Also, what particular arm exercises have you chosen. 311 suggested Barbell Curls and I agree that this is probalbly the best choice for your core exercise. Be sure to use a full ROM and keep your elbows pinned to your sides exept perhaps at the top of the movement.

I think Skull Crushers were his other example. Be careful of your elbows. Come down to the top of your forehead or the the top of your head to save your joints. The further your upper arms go toward vertical the more the weight will rest of your bones.

You're already making a big change. Why not go through a cycle first and then decide if you want to increase the frequency more on your arms. And I would think if you're going to do an extra arm workout on your upper days (at low volume) you're going to need a good deal of time before your main workout. I don't know exactly how long to suggest, but I've heard things like eight hours.

And rotate different exercises. Variability can help a lot to stimulate growth.
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