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Old 10-16-2005, 09:41 AM
EricT EricT is offline
Rank: Heavyweight
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 6,314

Originally Posted by sdt19
i wouldnt mind cutting up the arms and chest either
Well, were back to muscle building again on that. You don't have much on your arms and chest. I mean, lets not confuse looking "cut" with looking skinny. There was a time when I weighed as little as 115 pounds (long story). I always had some muscle and a six-pack, but nobody would have looked at me and said, "Boy, you're really cut!"

As for protein, that's why most of us use protein powders. I don't think, with your level of muscularity, you actually need that much to just maintain, as long as the other macronutrients are in order, but just to be sure...

I'm actually surprised you didn't put on more muscle if you gained so much strength. Strength can increase with increases in CNS efficiency, but there's a limit, obviously, if there's not enough muscle to call into play. I take it you actually did gain more than just fat on your training plan.

I'll leave the expert advice to the strength guys, though.

By the way, about Lipo 6: I would advice to stop taking that crap immediately. I didn't realize it had Yohimbe bark in it. That's considered one of the most dangerous herbs out there right now. It's banned in many other countries and is actually being investigated by the FDA.

To make it worse, they combine it with caffeine, which is supposed to be avoided. And as if that weren't enough, there's amines like tyramine in there too. Tyramine and tyramine containing foods you are supposed to avoid at all cost with Yohimbe.

I won't even try to list the toxic effects, they're too numerous. Anyway, they use the Yohimbe because it's a CNS stimualant, combine with the other stuff, and the effect is multiplyed. It's main use is as a treatment for Male Erectile Disfunction (it's a vasodilater) and it doesn't even work well for that.

The L-Carnitine is the best thing in it. Before you take any thing with herbs in it, you need to look up the individual herbs and their correct dosages.
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