Thread: Dorian Rows
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Old 11-07-2005, 08:18 PM
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Default Dorian Rows

I am thinking about incorporating some Dorian rows into my routine instead of regular barbell rows. I was wondering if anyone here has done them and whether they are worth switching to.

In case you don't know what I am talking about here is a description of the exercise from Dorian Yates himself:

Barbell rows are the primary mass builder and for good reason: My style of doing the movement ties into all areas of the back. I take an overhand grip on the bar--my hands are a little less than shoulder-width apart--and adopt a position in which my body is at a 70-degree angle to the floor. Most bodybuilders do barbell rows with their bodies parallel to the floor, pulling the bar into the chest. But if you want to hit the bulk of the lats and lift with max weight, align your upper body at a 70-degree angle and pull the bar up off the floor and lift it to the waist.
Seems to make sense.
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