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Old 04-03-2005, 09:49 AM
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The Reporter The Reporter is offline
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Posts: 53

Hrdgain, I live and die by our court calendar. I can usually plan the week or weeks ahead of time. I'll workout before work, sometimes at noon, and God forbid, after work.

The cool thing is my judge is a workout nut. He did the BFL program a few years back, gave up drinking, and now he's as addicted to working out as I am. With my Max-OT routine, I hit the weights every other day regardless. So it's consistently one day on, one day off. Bodyparts are split into three workouts: Chest/triceps, Back/delts, and Legs and Biceps. Cardio is done on days off or after weights. Lately, I've been averaging 4-5 days of cardio a week.

I try not to bunch up the cardio and drop the calories too low before my chest and triceps workout, otherwise, my weights are pathetically weak. Not that weak, 100's for DB presses, 205 for inclines, 50 pds. strapped on for dips, but weaker than my partner's weights. But he's got a good 25 pds on me.
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