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Old 11-22-2005, 05:15 PM
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Default R-ALA Dosage During Refeeds

Supposedly R-ALA helps prevent fat gains during refeeds or after high carb meals based on the fact that except after your workout, carbs cause an insulin spike. R-ALA supposedly channels more of the glucose to the muscle cells instead of the fat cells hence the reason it would be beneficial with the large amount of carbs being consumed.

So I was wondering if anyone here who used R-ALA during their refeeds or with their high carb meals can refer me to suggested dosage? Is there a breakdown of a certain number of carbs per say 100 mg of R-ALA that is commonly used?

I have been taking R-ALA pwo for a while now but wanted to see how much of a difference it makes during my refeeds.

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