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Old 12-09-2005, 03:47 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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Originally Posted by trouble
I've seen some amazing transformation from what appeared to be a strict ecto to a solid mesomorph that took years to occur. One might expect that if the person stopped working out and reverted in eating habits, that gains might eventually disappear...back to the genetic body comp type.
Oohh, yeah. I have to fight for every ounce. Now when I was 105, which was due to various factors including health problems, the first 20 came very easily and probably weren't due to extraordinary efforts on my part other than eating well and proper and trying to channel those gains towards muscle. But it really seemed to be where my body wanted to be. I've always had some natural muscle (a thinner frame makes it apparent, but as you said, long legs and arms don't help). So, I really can't take much credit for the initial gains.

The next ten pounds required, well, lets just say more meticulous effort on my part. After that it has been an uphill battle all the way, but not without it's triumphs. Now at 175, if I stopped working out and reverted in eating habits...I don't want to guarantee...ok, I'll guarantee that my body would revert back to its genetic type and I think it would do it at breakneck speed.

I don't even know how long it would be possible to hold onto gains by eating alone. You could do for some time, but it would take near constant and I might say stress inducing attention to diet. But I don't think diet alone, even if you were near perfect, would do it. The disappearance of gains would be slower, possibly much slower, but they would come. This is only my theory. I'm not gonna try it and see what happens ;) .

Yeah, it's what you do with what you've got. But the terms can be very usefull in that they may help you understand things about yourself, and then plan accordingly. I like anything that helps me learn about myself - and so become stronger.

I'll have to quote Bruce Lee again: The ultimate knowledge is self knowledge.