Thread: Kane's Training
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Old 01-26-2006, 03:44 PM
EricT EricT is offline
Rank: Heavyweight
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Originally Posted by hrdgain
I will respectfully disagree with eric on the ab workouts. I feel like its a waste of time personally. your doing deadlifts, db pull overs, squats, up right rows, they are all working your abs. to isolate them further seems like overkill IMO, but like i always say, if it aint broke dont fix it.
I didn't catch that before. I respect you opinion I've heard people say that before. You are in the minority, I think.

I agree that of course the abs are being worked by all those things -- an assistance, stabilization role -- but no where near the degree to which the back is being worked in Kane's program. I don't consider ab work as just "isolation work". I am talking about strength imbalances which can lead to injury. It can also hold one back in his lifting and lead to lower back pain.

It is the same thing when someone is doing a whole lot of bench press and little else -- including medial delt work and some back work. You work the front delts too much and you get an imbalance that can lead to rotator cuff injury.

I can't say that it's absolutely necessary. Heck, I've even seen one or two guys with killer developed abs who say they've never done direct ab work. Course I've also known plenty of guys with a six pack who've never worked out at all. Personally I wouldn't want to take the chance of my midsection crapping out on me when there's a heavy loaded barbell on my traps. Or my core muscles failing to engage properly and I end up with a hernia on deadlifts or something.

I also know that many pros do not train abs directly, but I guarantee they trained them in the beginning and developed them to the point that they can get away with less work considering the heavy load they lift.

Last edited by EricT; 01-26-2006 at 04:16 PM.
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