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Old 04-05-2005, 04:49 PM
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GuardDog GuardDog is offline
Rank: Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 343

I have it down to about 30 mins since I do a multitasking routine with shampooing, shaving, conditioner, normal washing. Then I towel dry, deodorant, facial products, cologne, blow dry hair, gel/hairspray, and finally get dressed. Since I have my clothes closet color coded, I can easily pick out my clothes pretty fast to match things up for what I want to wear that day.
Stats: 340y/o, 7'5", 2250lbs, 4% bf, meso-endomorph. Working out and taking supps since the dawn of time.

Disclaimer: I am not real. I am a player on a virtual world rotating through cyberspace. Any information I give is based off of science fiction and not meant to be taken literally. I do not know anyone that uses, condones the use, or knows where to get anything against the laws of our governments.