Thread: I'm too small!
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Old 03-08-2006, 06:58 PM
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WantingMuscle7 WantingMuscle7 is offline
Rank: Bantamweight
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: PA
Posts: 686

From what I have read, you want to gain 20lbs in 2 months. Thats quite a lot to put on in that amount of time. I think in that amount of time most of your gains maybe water. Also, depending on your body type im going to go with ectomorph you'll have a hard time gaining weight so that may set you back a month(s). Best advice look at clean bulking, but for you probably anything you'd eat would be beneficial. Also (said before) focus on compound exercises and don't put all your effort into arms. You are on the wrestling team so strong legs will be your best friend that means squats and other exercises. For now focus on eating as much and lifting with compound exercises don't worry about putting on any fat any fat you put on will come off after your done bulking. Good luck
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