It seems as though I am a weird person since I actually really like cottage cheese. Although, in my opinion it all depends on the brand and curd size (I like large) especially when it comes to low fat cottage cheese. Some brands are just disgusting and unedible in my opinion.
One trick I have seen people use is to add some fresh fruit to it. When I have strawberries around I sometimes slice them into my cottage cheese, especially good if you sweeten them up with splenda first to get some extra juice for the cottage cheese. I know most people don't want carbs before bed but I don't think a few strawberries or anything is going to hurt. Other fruits I've heard people using is pineapple, bananas, peaches, and even applesauce.
I've also heard of people making "smoothies" out of it which a found a recipe for:
In a blender combine:
1/2 cup of cottage cheese (low or nonfat)
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1 cup of milk (low or nonfat)
1 scoop of protein powder (optional)
1 packet of Splenda or sweetner of choice