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Old 04-24-2006, 01:17 PM
jagsfan05 jagsfan05 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 123

Originally Posted by stonew0rrior
First off your diet needs some severe tweaking. You did not mention how tall you are so I am going to assume it is in proportion to your weight. That being said @ 19 your body needs carbs and protein like crazy. I mean quality carbs and protein, you need to start with a quality weight gainer to supplement your diet and the key word is supplement!
You still need to eat quality whole foods in the proper amounts. Try starting off with this, take your body weight multiply by 17 then divide by six. That will be the magic number to start off with. What I am trying to say is you need to eat 411 calories six times a day.
Break that down to 35% protein, 45% carbs, 20% fat. Make that fats good fats and make the carbs clean carbs. You can have cheat days on your diet but make it one day and one day only. Your diet will make up 90% of your progress. If anyone doubts that they are severely misled. I work in construction and some of my laborers would look like Arnold if they had a clean diet instead Carls Jr and Coors light. Now your workout will depend on you but you should look at starting off working out 4 times a week. It should look something like this…………
Monday Deadlift/Back
Stiff leg deadlift
Barbell shrugs
One-arm rows
Lat pulldowns
Wednesday Bench press/Chest + Arms
Flat Bench
Narrow grip bench press
Incline Bench Press
Tricep press down
One arm tricep Ext.
Straight Bar Curls
Hammer Curls
Friday Squat/Legs
Leg extensions
Leg Curls
Seated Cave raises
Standing Calve raises
Saturday Behind the Neck Press/Shoulders
Front D.Bell Raises
Lat. D.Bell Raises
Rear D.Bell Raises
If you need some help on the amount of weight and number of reps let me know.
This should be a good start for you. You should be able to gain between .75 to 1lb per week if you eat properly like I said your diet is the #1 factor then the gym then SLEEP!
If after one month of a HONEST diet you do not gain any lean mass up your calories by 400 and then keep check. You do not want to start gaining too much it will only be unwanted fat. Let me know if this helps you at all.
Only doing these once a week though? Like I feel like my biceps would shrivel up if I only do them once a week, you know?
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