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Old 04-24-2006, 09:17 PM
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stonew0rrior stonew0rrior is offline
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Posts: 33

I was trying to give you a base to start off with. You say you are a beginner and by your comments it is obvious. Unless your are a experienced lifter (Or Juicing) your body cannot handle much more than what I gave you. The body rebuilds muscle after breaking it down in a workout. This takes time, rest and NUTRITION! You can do all the right stuff in the gym and get all the rest but if you do not feed the body properly you will not see any noticeable progress. If you eat right and get enough rest but over work yourself in the gym i.e. working out more than one body part in a week then you are constantly breaking down the muscle before it has a chance to rebuild itself. The exercises I gave you are based like this. Primary exercise Dead lift. Primary exercise Bench press. Primary exercise behind the neck press. Primary exercise Squat. All the other exercises are supportive in nature and are used to give you more strength in the major exercises and to give the body symmetry. The real moneymakers are the Dead lift and Squat; those will help pack on real quality mass to the rest off the body by helping you create a strong core. This program is based on power lifting to give you a stable core. After a year or more depending on your results on this program your body will be able to handle more advanced body building exercises and techniques. But what I am trying to give you is a strong base to work from and that is what this program will do if you give it an honest chance. Arnold, Franco Columbo and Pat Casey all were at one time COMPETITIVE
Power lifters. Other than Arnold I am sure the other names mean nothing to you, if that is true then do what the rest of us have done and do some honest research on your own and take the advice that is given to you. I have worked out on and off for years but was always forced to stop when I got to big because I spent 16 years in the Marine Corps. The Marines do not like it when you get to big even when you are not fat. Now that I am out I chose to start a serious program 10 months ago. My goal is to bench 500 before I turn 41. 10 months ago I started with a max bench of 275 I weighed 190 @ 21% body fat. I now bench 400 raw, I weigh 240lbs @ 14% body fat. I would call that progress; I used this program to get me back in the game as a three-month cycle. I also break it up a bit now and use bodybuilding techniques in combination with power lifting. I find that my gains stay more consistent when I keep my body guessing on what will come next. But I have YEARS of experience and my body can handle what I throw at it and I KNOW what I can and cannot throw at it. I could go on for hours on what to do and how to do it but so could everyone else in here with experience. I will leave you with this listen and learn, keep asking questions and do your own research. That will be the best way this crap will stay in your head. There are so many ways to do this depending on your goals but it takes TIME and a lot of hard WORK. And your question about what I look like that picture is me dead lifting 445 3 sets of 8 that was my light week and that aint no bullshit.
PS I have 19.25 inch arms and growing you be the judge on if my program works.
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