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Old 04-28-2006, 06:46 AM
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hrdgain81 hrdgain81 is offline
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PCT and Cycle timing:

PCT or Post Cycle therapy is a means to bring your natural test production back after a cycle. When you introduce manufactured hormones into the body, your body systematically becomes dependent on them, shutting down production in the testis. For this reason certain products need to be used to correct this shut down. Now some PCT products are not legal as over the counter aids. Unfortunately those are also the same products that many say are the most effect, they include Nolvaldex (Tamoxifen Citrate), and Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate). Over the counter products such as Rebound xt (ATD) and 6oxo can also be used. The later work to jump start test production through estrogen suppression. PCT dosages and protocols differ from cycle to cycle … do your research.

Cycle timing and layouts should be planned well in advance, this includes your training and diet. Many people advocate this equation for a ph/ps cycle

Time on = PCT = Time off

Or a six week cycle, needs a six week pct, then at least six weeks off before the next cycle. To me this is not always accurate. You must also consider the amount of growth during the cycle to make a determination. For example, a 2 week m1t cycle could yield a 12lb gain, and possibly 6-8lbs lean mass kept after pct. There is no reason in the world you should be doing another m1t cycle after two weeks off from pct. You have to remember that while your muscle may grow at an accelerated rate, your ligaments, tendons, and joints will not keep up. You must also remember that the side effects from a cycle could outlast even the time off period. I’ve seen records of those doing Superdrol cycles that had insane liver values months after their cycle. My personal number is 2 per year at most, no matter what the substance or cycle length is.

Side Effect Protection:

As previously mentioned the side effects of these substances can be quite pronounced. It is important to take steps to protect yourself from any dangerous side effects of these compounds. Here is a listing of the most common side effects I’ve encountered and steps to counter act them.

Blood pressure increase: Hawthorne berry extract
Liver toxicity: Nac, Milk thistle (many companies make liver support supps)
Joint soreness: Celedrin, MSM, Gloucosomine and Condroiten, Cissus (my favorite)
Cholesterol/Lipid profile: Sesamin, lipid FX
Lethargy: Low GI carbs, stimulants (careful with these on cycle), ect
Aggressiveness: Hit the dam weights harder, or samE if it gets really bad
Cramping: Taurine, Potassium, water
Libido decrease: LH boosters, tribulus, long jack


Anabolic – producing a state of protein synthesis, the process by which muscle is built and maintained.

Androgenic – possessing male sexual traits, ie hair growth, deepened voice, muscular formation.

Methylated – when a methyl group is added to a compound it is said to be methylated. This methyl group allows the compound greater bioavailability by stopping the break down on the first pace through the liver.
I don't do this for my family, my friends, women, accolades, pride, or ego. I do it for me and no one else, its just part of who I am.
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