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Old 05-16-2006, 05:35 AM
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hrdgain81 hrdgain81 is offline
Rank: Light Heavyweight
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Ok this diet definately needs some work. First lets look at your goals, you are looking to drop a significant amount of wieght (30lbs).

To do this we will need to keep a close eye on your caloric intake. To keep it simple, you will want to track your macronutrient intake (protein,fat,carbs). I would start off rather high for each of them ... in the range of 220g Protein, 200g Carbs, 70g Fat. This will give you about 2200 cals per day. This may seem like a lot of food when you look at it, but you are basicly starving yourself right now. The point is to gradually lower your carb intake as you thin out, then your fats, but never protien, so your body doesnt go into a starvation mode, and shut down fat burning.

Now it is important to eat atleast six times a day, spaced as evenly as you can. you will want to break your meals into even portions also,every meal needs protiens/carbs/fats (you may want to drop carbs after 8pm to stop from storing them as fat) , this will keep your metabolism burning. It is important to note that coffee is not a meal, and fruit isnt either. Alot of people will disagree with me here, but I think fruit all together is a bad idea when dieting. Fruit is comprised of sugar, and I am not fond of eating sugar when trying to lose fat. It may be a good treat here or there, but multiple pieces a day is a bad idea. The only meals that should leave out a

Depending on how quickly you want to drop this wieght there are some more extreme options, but I dont recomend them unless you are in a real bind. If you need more info just ask, we can help you break this down even further if need be.
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