Thread: My diet plan
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Old 06-05-2006, 10:01 PM
randome randome is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 9
Default My diet plan

Hey guys this is what i plan to eat over the summer... this is basically what I eat now - the protein shakes and stuff
tell me if its okay/healthy enough

Breakfast :
2 Eggs
Cup of Instant break fast
PB&J sandwich (wheat bread)

Mid-day snack:
Powerbar, protein shake
Probably a lot of rice (like 1/2 cup white rice)
Some lentils (probably like 4 Tbsp)
2Pieces of Chicken (like 2 breasts or legs)
Some type of vegetable boiled
Glass of milk / instant breakfast

Other snack:
Ice Cream (big sundae cone type thing)
Lots of peanuts
Another glass of milk

More Rice (1/2 cup white)
Some beef (about equal weight as 2 chicken breasts)
More lentils

Protein shake

Oh yeah and keep in mind i only weigh like 116 lbs so i probly won't eat as much as some of you guys i'm just trying to gain like 20 lbs lol

but i do plan to go to the gym... what time is best to do that... also should I add some type of Carb supplement? and is it enough i think the calculator said I should eat something like 2300 calories
Lastly is it okay to eat some unhealthy crap like ice cream since i'm so flippin light will it really matter... i have like no body fat right now it's all muscle anyways
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