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Old 06-14-2006, 07:59 AM
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ChinPieceDave667 ChinPieceDave667 is offline
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Originally Posted by Ball_Zach
well, im new here.....and im new to working out.......i have been working out for 2 months now.....but i have only been building my arms chest and sholders......and here is my first question...

1.when i manys days do i need wait before i should train the same muscle group again?

2. will training my legs help my upper body grow faster?

now the goals..... it possibe to grow my arm 2 inches in a year?

4.could i hit 300lbs by christmas?

i have been working out for two months and i have gained a heavy 271lbs.....i eat a ton i shoot for 5000 cals a not happy with the growth of my arms.....i hit them hard with 6 set of 6 reps of 35lbs dumb bells and then 10 sets of 10 with 25lbs db 3 times a week......but i have gone from 16 1/4 inch arms to 17" arms.....they still look small on my can i build them faster? i wanna shoot for 18" arms in a year....can it be done?
1) it depends on your routine.
2)YESSSS most definitely
3)yes but it will be muscle and fat
4)see answer 3

All I can say about your arm routine is that it is WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much. The way you build big arms it not direct arm exercises. That is what the magazines want you to think. The best thing for big arms is compound movements like bench and rows.
Also, you have to be patient. Having goals is good but you've just started and from the looks of it you might have gained a little too much fat and not enough muscle from what your doing now. If your looking to get big might I first suggest Max -OT for 1-2 months, take a break then try HST, after that I would go with DFHT or 5x5. If you look on this board in the workout section where the stickies are there is a list of routines you can do.

The only reason I say Max-OT first is because I think it is very basic and new lifter seem to understand it more. But after your here for a while you will start to under stand how the body works and be able to prepare a better routine. Also, if you're just starting out your body will respond to anything.
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