Thread: Planning a head
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Old 06-14-2006, 10:21 AM
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Default Planning a head

Every 6-8 months I like to look a head and do some planning, this way I have a road map of what I am looking to do in the near future. I thought I post this one up so everyone can see it, and give me some feed back on it.

Right now I'm still working on losing fat. I will continue on my current diet through till july. Then I'm looking to do 4-6 weeks strickt UD2. I would start the UD2 now, but with weddings, travel and summer here I know I wouldnt stick to it, so rather then half ass it, I will wait to do it right.

Post UD2, I will slowly up cals to a maint. diet, centered around high protien, adjustable carbs (for training and non training days) and moderate fats. I will then slowly move cals up to clean bulk.

Since i'm working with a fucked up shoulder, and a shitty lower back I will be off the heavey and hard stuff till end of July. I am doing some shoulder rehab, and working to strengthen the low back. after two months of this I will start slowly moving back into pushing heavey weights.

I will keep as much MA training in here as possible, I may use it more for cardio post september (training for camp in sept. right now). I will most definately keep the plyometrics, I dont want to lose my flexibility or speed when bulking this time ... suggestions.

When I am satisfied with the fat loss, and move to the clean bulk, thats were things will get fun. I want clean bulk using DC starting in october. This will be my first go around with DC.

*how should i train between the time when i finish cutting, and starting DC? I dont want to jump right in it because my muscles wont handle it. what do you guys think?

I may try a few new things when on the UD2 but nothing really worth mentioning just yet.

I have a 6 week S1+ cycle (with some other goodies) that i've been waiting to use. I will get that going in october when I'm doing DC. I cant wait for that.

Let me know what you guys think, help me fill in the gaps.
I don't do this for my family, my friends, women, accolades, pride, or ego. I do it for me and no one else, its just part of who I am.
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