I read the "Milk does a body good article" Anuj. I actually tend to agree with the statement in general as far as putting on muscle is concerned. But she is saying milk is good postworkout. She's provided info that proves that protein after a workout is good...duhh! But she has in no way proven that milk is a suprerior pwo beverage.
IF you have a good pre workout meal AND you don't want carbs immeditately post workout AND you don't mind slow absorbtion then why not milk? The author of the thread states that the casein doesn't make a difference and that the whey just scoots on through, blah, blah...she also seems to think the insulin spike from milk is instantaneous.
Honestly, why do people go throught so much trouble touting milk when there are better ways to get a quick insulin spike (if you want one and it works for you) to take advantage of it's nutrient transport and to get that extra glucose to the muscles and to use a fast absorbing protein and to not feel like crap afterwards....do these people work for the dairy council?
But here's my biggest argument. Who the heck wants to drink milk after an intense weight workout? If I did that I'd be bloated and crampy and certainly not refueled.
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If you act sanctimonious I will just list out your logical fallacies until you get pissed off and spew blasphemous remarks.