Thread: Twice a week?
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Old 06-28-2006, 08:27 PM
BaZ BaZ is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by ChinPieceDave667
I find it hard to believe that a person can only work out twice a week. Is this just going to be on the weekends? Can you give us a little more about you, stats and when you would lift?
I understand your disbelief, but at the moment it's all I can commit to. I cannot afford to go more than twice a week both from a financial point of view, and also time-wise. I wish I had time to go 4-5 times a week, but I simply don't.

It wont be on weekends, was thinking more like Mondays and Thursdays in the late afternoon on the way home from work.
Stats-wise, I dont have a lot to offer you yet. I'm overweight, yet also quite strong. My aim at this stage is to bulk up a bit more, and the fact that I'll be doing some exercise for a change might help me to burn up some calories and shed a few kg's at the same time.
My aim is not to compete, or even to get fully cut like a lot of you guys do. I'm simply looking for a way to improve my overall health, gain some strength and give me a better-looking build (bigger biceps, chest etc).

If you can only do twice a week you MUST do full body.
Thanks. That confirms my suspicions.

You could do a upper/lower split or push/pull split but I think full body would be better. Read every sticky you can about full body training, HST and 5X5 that should get you started let us know if you have any more questions.
I'm currently wading through the sticky's and will probably learn more from them as time goes on. There's a lot of new terms and abbreviations since I last trained. Haven't seen pyramids mentioned much in my reading so far!
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