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Old 07-06-2006, 12:34 PM
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armygirl armygirl is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Fort Rucker, Alabama
Posts: 14

Well, what do you think it is? I remember you saying something before that once you started eating more you were gaining it in your love handles. Okay I'm going to chart this out for you Barney-style. I understand that sometimes certain people need it to be done for them this way in order for it to sink in. I know this, because I used to be one of them. Here is an example of how I eat on a DAILY basis. Not every once in a while, you have to stay consistant with your diet and change up your exercise routine at the same time. Remember, diet and exercise go hand and hand. You can't do one or the other - it just won't work. If you're not eating properly your body will go into the "starvation mode" I told you about earlier. And when it does that, it's going to hold on to the fat and calories that your body needs to function. Problem is is that it isn't going to go where you want to go. Hence the love handles. Another question is, are you incorporating cardio into your exercise routine? You need to be doing cardio at least 3 to 5 times a week to balance everything out.

0530 Protein drink with 1 scoop Fiber and 1 oz Gamma-O (supplement)
12-24 oz. Water

0600-0700 Army Physical Training

0730 3 Egg whites scrambled or 3 Hard Boiled Egg Whites
1/2 Oatmeal (not the instant kind) with a 1/2 banana and Splenda
12-24 oz. Water

1000 Protein Shake

1200 6 oz. Grilled Chicken Breast (no sauce...too much sodium)
6 oz GREEN Salad Veggies (Romain lettuce, cucumbers, green peppers and light dressing, etc.)
1 Piece of fruit (apple, orange, 1/2 cup strawberries w/splenda)
24 oz. Water

1500 Protein Shake, Vegetable or Fruit

1700-? Gym Time!!! Drink water during workout and 24 oz. after

1900 Protein Shake

1945-2000 6 oz. Chicken breast
4 oz. Steamed broccoli w/ spray butter or Sea Salt
1 slice Light Wheat bread w/spray butter

2100 Herbal Tea w/splenda before bed

2130 Bed Time

Now remember, this is only an example of how to balance out your meals. You most likely need to add more protein to it because of your weight, especially now that you've gained a few lbs. And I know it doesn't seem like there's much to choose from as far as healthy meals go, but I swear once you really start getting into it and dedicating yourself, you'll see there's actually plenty out there. You just have to keep telling yourself that junk food IS NOT an option any longer. Now, I cheat every so often on Saturdays and I won't go to the gym the whole day, but once Sunday comes along, I'm right back on track. And missing just that one day only makes me want to hit it harder when I get back there. Oh, and by the way, you have a great advantage working at Chic Fil A... you have plenty of grilled chicken and salad right at your finger tips! Just make sure to stay clear of the extra sauces like the honey barbecue and ketchup and keep away from the original chicken breast... it's too much fat.
Stacey P. Wells
SGT, U.S. Army
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