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Old 07-16-2006, 09:50 AM
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FlawedGRUNT FlawedGRUNT is offline
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The Idea to make sure I am always surpassing the number of calories burnt with each cardio session is actually an idea I picked up from the MAX-OT program. While I love HIIT cardio, I think this is a good procedure to stick too. This way you are always pushing your body harder and making it work more... and like in this quote from the Max-OT site boosting your metabolism

First things first, you need to establish an initial intensity baseline. This is simple. You simply perform a 16-minute cardio session at a little bit higher than your normal cardio intensity level. After you do this, you need to record some statistics. All Recumbent Bikes display exercise performance. They will typically show calories burned and distance traveled. This is another reason they are well suited for Max-OT Cardio.

You need to understand that these are just estimates, but that doesn’t matter. They are used for references to guide you to “always increasing intensity levels.” Remember, each cardio session should be higher in intensity than the one before. In other words, you should travel further distances and record higher calorie readouts with each new Max-OT Cardio workout on the Recumbent Bike.

Once you have performed your initial Max-OT Cardio workout, you will have established a “goal” – a distance to beat on your next Max-OT Cardio session. This is an important element in Max-OT Cardio. As with Max-OT weight training, the result of always striving for more is that it forces your body to adapt. With Max-OT Cardio, you are literally forcing your metabolism higher with each session.

Beating your previous distance is a must. I want to emphasize this. The fact that you are constantly increasing your intensity levels each cardio session continuously drives your metabolism higher. It also sets a site for you for every Max-OT Cardio workout. You will no longer just be “putting in time” during cardio. You will stoking your metabolism higher and higher with each Max-OT Cardio session.
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