Thread: Smelling good
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Old 04-11-2005, 07:41 AM
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Smokey Bear 393 Smokey Bear 393 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave876
Smokey,Jenn says she is sorry and knows her post was out of line...I hope you can forgive her! Trust me I am the one who has been putting up with bi*ch for the past 3 days due to ummm that "time" ya know?My great grandfather(whom I never met) was a chief of Police,and while I have had my share of raw deals with the police I have the utmost reoect for you guys...

BTW I used to have Wings and liked the way it smelled

Thank You! I know we all have bad days. I know all about that "time". I'm married to a wonderful woman. But, during that "time" she can be "brutal". I understand that there are some officers that act what I call John Waynish. Not, that I have anything against the Duke, but he was an actor. I've seen officers treat people with disrespect. I've worked in law enforcement for 15 years. I've always tried to treat people the way I wanted to be treated. Period! Like Jenn, I have bad days, and I'm human. The majority of officers that I've worked with over the years are good people. True, there have been some real arseholes. But, police officers are human. If you can look at it like this, not that it makes it right. But, when you deal with peoples "bad" sides for a living, and see what a human can do to another human you get kinda twisted. You get to where you look at everbody as bad. This is wrong. I'm the first to admit that. Some officers have a hard time dealing with this. That's why I love lifting weights. It frees my mind, and for an hour, and half all I think about is moving that iron around. I set goals, and challenge myself. I focus on achieving my goals. Not about walking into a house, and seeing an 81 year old man blowing his head off, because he wet the bed, and his wife hurt her back cleaning up his mess...etc.....etc...
So, consider it forgotten. Peace, and rock on!

P.S. I wear wings for my wife. She loves the stuff.