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Old 07-28-2006, 08:26 PM
phreaknite phreaknite is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 41
Default Stretch!

I would have to say that if you are feeling tight, ever, you need to stretch.

Stretching is very very underrated. When you stretch, not only will you releive the soreness, but you will also stretch the actual blood vessels in your muscles, as well as the muscles themselves, allowing for a smooth blood flow.

Smooth Blood Flow = More Oxygen = More Energy = More results

If you feel sore DURING workouts, throw in a stretch between sets.

When working out and stretching, remember also to BREATHE. This is key.

As a woman, stretching should be a vital part of your workout. Stretching your muscles after workouts when your body is warm also increases ur flexibility (which has obvious benefits...) Over time you will notice that, if you are stretching properly, your joints will feel more comfortable in their place (i know it sounds weird but beleive me) and you will definitely be more in touch with your body..

I suggest that any bodybuilder, but especially women, take some yoga classes and learn some basic stretches and how to do them properly. Yoga and stretching for women loosens up the hips and gives a woman more control of her body, and especially her pelvis, which can grow to be painful (especially when considering or recovering from childbirth) The more flexible, the better.....and I see way too many people at the gym stretch improperly..

Hope it helps!
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