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Old 08-06-2006, 05:13 AM
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Finafreak Finafreak is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 12

Partially agree with Dr X on this. I would say keep the almonds and the bread. Hell eat them every hour for that matter. As for the rest of your diet, where's the protein? Where are the calories?

The right way to bulk. Here is the best advice I can give you. Go buy a kitchen timer that you can set to go off every 2 hrs. When you wake up, eat your 4 whole eggs, some bacon, whatever, just eat your breakfast. Then set that alarm to go off in two hours. When the timer goes off eat something some at least 30-40g of protein and a total of 600+ calories. Do this every two hours until you go to sleep.

If you are awake for at least 14 hours then that will allow for 7 meals and at the minimum 600 calories every 2 hours you are at just over 4000 calories and 210 grams of protein, which puts you way over what you are currently getting. Get that routine down and gradually start upping the calories and the protein and you will be where you need to be. Also before you go to bed no matter when your last meal was drink a good casein shake to help slow down the catabolic processes that start kicking in after not eating while you ae asleep.

Good luck
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