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Old 08-16-2006, 07:22 PM
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Default Sleazy's "Cut Diet" Journal

Well its time for another cut. For this journal I will be following the “Cut Diet” word for word and keeping you all updated on my results. If you are unfamiliar with the Cut Diet it was authored by the registered dietitian Chuck Rudolph and put out by the supplement company Scivation. For more information you can visit or

The Cut Diet is a 16 week program that includes a complete diet and training layout with the goal of preparing someone for a bodybuilding show. I will not be writing down my exact meals or training as I believe anyone who is truly interested in these details would benefit a lot more from actually purchasing the book and getting the complete set of dietary guidelines for this diet.


As far as training goes the program is broken down into four phases:
Weeks 1-4: Condition – 3-4 Sets of 12-15 Reps
Weeks 5-8: Growth/Strength – 5-6 Sets of 6-10 Reps
Weeks 9-12: Strength/Growth – 5-6 Sets of 4-6 Reps
Weeks 13-14: Showtime – Rep ranges of 12-15 all the way to 40-50
Week 15: Final Week – Preperation for the show, light workouts.

Other Key Facts:
  • The program is a 15 Week split training program hitting each bodypart once per week.
  • Most weeks are 5 days of training and two days of rest.
  • Low intensity cardio is recommended 4-5 times a week AFTER workout for 30-45 mins.
Based off your size and body fat percentage this book has different total calorie breakdowns and lists what you should be eating for each meal. This makes it easy to follow all the way throughout the program.

Key Points:
  • All carbs come from fiberous veggies (broccoli, green beans, etc) with each meal along with grapefruit for select meals. These are the only carbs you will be consuming each day.
  • Every three days you will perform a carb reload and this will be the last meal of the day. This reload consists of oats, sweet potatoes, veggies, etc.
  • Absolutely no protein with the carb loads.
  • Protein comes from lean meats (chicken, halibut, sirloin, turkey breast) and whey protein.
  • EFA’s come from almonds, peanut butter, flax oil, and fish oil.
Since this book is put out by Scivation all the supplements recommended within it are Scivation products. They make the point of noting that these supplements are not required but are recommended to get the best results out of the program.

Supplements I will be consuming (I choose not to take everything)
  • Whey Protein (Scivation’s Substance WPI and Whey from True Protein)
  • Xtend
  • Lean Green (Green Tea Extract)
  • Fish Oil Caps
  • Multivitamin Packs
  • Glutamine
  • Glucosamine & MSM
  • ZMA
  • Citrulline Malate
Pre/Post Workout Nutrition:
There are NO Pre/Post workout shakes on this diet. During the lifting and cardio sessions you are allowed to drink a shake consisting of BCAA’s and Whey Protein. You can start sipping on this shake prior to heading to the gym and continue to drink it all the way through your session, including cardio.

Once again, these are just a few of the key points of the program that I feel is important for everyone to be aware of prior to reading the journal. It in no way includes all the key facts and details Chuck has laid out. So if you are truly interested I suggest picking up the book yourself.

I am going to try to take this program all the way through the 15 weeks as if I was actually preparing for a show even though I won’t be. I really want to see how lean I can get from following this diet and have heard great of great results from other people so I am really looking forward to giving this diet a go.

So let's get started....

Last edited by Frontline; 08-16-2006 at 08:09 PM.
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