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Old 08-25-2006, 09:37 PM
blodrast blodrast is offline
Rank: New Member
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8
Thumbs up BB looking good! :)


Just wanted to give a bit of praise to the site. There's a risk that it'll sound way too gay (no offense to any gay folks), but I'll take that chance

I've been looking around on the web for bodybuilding resources. Haven't been too successful, and not because of my lacking googling skills, but because there's an abundance of stuff out there, and it's hard to separate the good stuff from the junk.

First off, I liked the non-intrusive registration. You'd think it was the norm these days (I frequent a bunch of forums on various topics), but I'm mentioning this because a few minutes before I had registered on another forum, which asked me to provide address, telephone, etc (all of these required, not optional).
So, kudos for being more relaxed on that!

Also, I've found that many other bb forums are really poorly organized. That is, there are few if any stickies (i.e., an indexing of resources of some kind), and it's hard to find whatever useful information there may be there.

Others have only a few subforums, so a lot of info is just bunched together, making it even more difficult to sift through.

Finally, there's a lot of literally crappy info out there - things that either contradict other things on the same website or others, or things that are plainly copied from somewhere else and reproduced without any interpretation (came across same identical "evaluations" and comparisons on several sites), junk promoted simply because the sites are sponsored by some particular companies, etc.
Bottom line, in general, good info is hard to find.

So far, I'm really happy with what I've seen around here (granted, I've only been here a short while :P), so kudos to you for all that.