Thread: feintness
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Old 09-01-2006, 02:20 PM
b14ck4 b14ck4 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 7

my friend was taking betagen, and he seemed to enjoy the results, and theres a lot of advertising for nos products... (cuz its good for cars it must be good for me ) anyways, i decided to give it a shot, researched one and thought gaspari sounded good. honestly i think id be better off taking a redbull an hour before workout instead of gaspari, although price wise they roughly the same i believe, either way i dont feel any stronger or more pumped than i did a couple years ago (when i was also on a steady workout regime, i fell off for a year or so, going sparingly if at all). but i wont be buying anymore gaspari or anything else like it, i have read that article about propriety blends , i think the most advantageous thing in gaspari is the caffein. rediculous. anyways the lightheaded ness isnt cuz of the gaspari, i almost have always got lightheaded when doing heavy squats. i never get lightheaded doing benchpresses or if im doing heavy cardio for long periods, which i have done in the past. not recently. i had asthma as a kid, it went away for the most part now that im older. i can run miles and get winded, or run up mountains, or go hiking and never get an asthma attack it only really affects me if i get sick. im not on any meds. cant think of anything else important to mention. thanks.
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