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Old 04-12-2005, 05:38 PM
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Default Freaky Experience During My Deadlifts Today

Alright I just got back from doing my back workout and had a pretty scary experience when doing my deadlifts. On my 4th set of 5 during my first lift I felt like someone came up behind me and punched me in the back of my head. I had to drop the weight letting it crash to the floor and literally had to hold onto the rack to prevent myself from passing out. And this pain lasted for a good two minutes or so with my head still pounding and me holding my head with my hands. The pain was like a really bad migrane at the base of my head lasting a good hour .

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this when doing lifts? I asked my buddy who there with me if I was leaning forward during it as that might have caused the blood to rush to my head, but he said I wasn't and that I just dropped it out of no where. I was going lighter today also.

Just a really scary experience at the gym that I felt like sharing :eek:
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