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Old 10-13-2006, 10:25 PM
Maddax Maddax is offline
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Location: Detroit
Posts: 6


I'm sorry I never wished to start a "fight" I merely posted an observation. Eric3237 provided (eventually) some additional background information that explained the antagonistic responses the OP evoked with his questions. It was the tone of those responses I was criticising, suggesting instead that it would be more mature to just ignore the poster or let someone else respond to him.

You are "ripping up" arguments and statements I never even made. Holier than thou? Where did I say or even imply I thought that? Where have I been hypocritical?

Apparently you feel the need to defend Eric3237 for some reason. I dont think that is necessary. He has done well defending his own views I believe, even if we still dont agree.

Now, I think I'll take a page from my own book and just not respond to you anymore. This is getting way out of hand and is not resolving anything.
