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Old 10-14-2006, 07:37 PM
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Default What a birthday start off.....

Well.. on the happy note, my son actually sang the whole happy birthday song to me without any problems. (he is only three and talks like a 5 years old, and is the size of one) the sad part is.. october 15th I will 30 years old... I wanted to have a bbq with my friends where I cook the burgers and hot dogs and all that. Well my wife and I got the potato salad, macaroni salad, chips dip and all that... and noone showed up. I told everyone three weeks ago and reminded them a few times during this week... Still noone showed. Makes me wonder why I even bother talking to anyone at work. I may be a "social butterfly" but I have no real friends. The one that I do have, he takes care of his grandmother, and his four kids. (no he doesn't have a job or anything like that) We have been friends since we were both about 5 years old, and he couldn't make it because he has a jaw infection. But.. my mother came over and my mother in law was here (only because she lives in my loft) and my son. what a kinda crappy birthday starting out....

Thanks for letting me get this off me chest...
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