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Old 10-17-2006, 11:09 PM
Hans Hans is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: New York
Posts: 1
Default 6 months out of the gym...gasp!

hey everyone, i just joined the forums and im lookin for some advice.

i lifted for 2 years but on someone else's workout plan but still had gains so didnt care, then made friends with a ex-pro back at my home gym and he gave me plans for 3 years and they worked well.... but i have been away from a gym for 6 months and now im in japan and dont know where to begin. now yes i do relise that i was retarted for not picking there brains for all the info they had to share with me. but at any rate im back in the gym for 3 weeks now, the first week i took it really easy, (4 days) each muscle once directly and once indirectly, last week and this week i did a TBT but still kept it relativly fail out at around 8-10 and would stop/rest/next set. i want to start a workout that is going to push myself to the max, i know how to eat and train but i dont have the faith in myself to make up a balanced, balls to the wall training plan for gaining(no i dont belive in the bulking/cutting routines, and dont powerlift). now i was out of the gym but not out of shape. looking to bodybuild, NOT athletics or strength or for any sport or anything like that.


if anyone could pass on some knowledge to me, on not just a workout plan but what it takes to make a good one. thanks alot. and before you say it...i know i was out for 6 months...
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