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Old 11-18-2006, 08:10 PM
kamikaze kamikaze is offline
Rank: New Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 15

you know I had to eat a whole lot of food because that stuff has no protein in it at all. I ate like a freaking horse, here is an example of what I would eat on an average day: Breakfast I would have either oatmeal with eggs, or I would have an omelet with 6 eggs 4 whites 2 whole with 4-6 ounces of turkey or chicken breast. For a mid morning snack I would have tuna. Lunch I would have 10 ounces of chicken breast. For a mid afternoon snack I would have a turkey sandwich. And for dinner I would have more chicken. Before bec I would have 40 grams of whey protein.
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