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Old 12-31-2006, 12:17 PM
Musclehead24 Musclehead24 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 16
Default Funny Supplement situation

I don't know how this happened, probably because I used to have a problem with consistancy. Anyways I have 4 different creatine products in my cupboard. I have BSN Cell Mass, MAN Sports Clout, Prima Force CEE (Capsules) and Green Bulge (Capsules). How is this a problem you ask? The problem is all these products are only about half full, meaning there isn't enough servings left in any of the products for me to use for an extended period of time. I don't want to buy more of these particular products, but I also dont want to throw them out becuase I dont have enough for a full "cycle" like one or two months. So do you think I can finish of the cell mass then when I run out finish of the Clout, then green bulge etc.? Or is this a bad idea because they are all different brands and using them one after the other for 1 or 2 weeks each wont do anything? Even though they are different brands they are all CEE so maybe it doesnt matter that the brands are different? What should I do?
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