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Old 01-03-2007, 01:46 PM
Scorcher2005 Scorcher2005 is offline
Rank: Bantamweight
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Beaufort, SC
Posts: 511
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Doesnt muscle milk have a lot of extra sugar? Besides the sugar, its not the best protein for around workout time, especially after. It is a mix if casein, egg, and whey. Casein and egg are slower digesting proteins than whey and you want protein as fast as possible after a workout. Get some 100% whey (isolate is the best but more expensive, concentrate is what most go with) protein.

And most suggest 6-8 meals, which the pre and post shakes make 2 of. Of your other meals, just eat them every 2-3 hours apart. And dont say its not possible because your in college. Make up some beef patties, chicken breasts, sandwiches, etc the night before, put em in some bags or tuppaware and thow them in your bag.

Lift 3 times a week, such as mon, wed, fri. Either do cardio AFTER your workouts (as thats when glycogen stores are depleted most and fat starts to burn and the cardio wont take your energy away from lifting big) or in the morning, or both if you dont feel to burnt out. In the morning, some say to do it on an empty stomach. I have also read a report saying whey helps. So experiment doing it on an empty stomach and w/ a whey protein shake before.

Good luck!
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