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Old 01-03-2007, 05:52 PM
shmadufa shmadufa is offline
Rank: Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: San Diego
Posts: 86

(this was posted a while ago by me)
i just turned 16 i am 5'11 and wieght 157 pounds
(1 rep) bench max: 260
parallel squat: 285
power clean no jerk: 190
clean jerk: 165
pullups: 25

i work out every day. day 1, all upper body pushing muscles. Day 2, all uper body pulling muscles and abs. day 3 legs and lower back. and all over again.
( i combined day 1 and 2,
day 1

Bench: 3 sets of 12 reps 175-195

lateral raises both hands at the same time: 3 sets 12 reps (35 lb dumbbells)

lateral raises hands in front one hand at a time: 3 sets 12 reps (30 lb dumbbells)

db soulder press: 3 sets 8 reps (50 lb dumbbells)

Cable Flyes on the Flat Bench. 3 sets 8 reps (its a machine)

tricep pulldowns: 3 sets of 10 ( machine)

bent over tricep extentions: 3 sets 15 ( 25 lb dumbells)

standing skull crushers one handed with dumbel: (25 lb dumbells)

day 2

wide grip pullups: 3 sets of 12-15

reverse grip pullups close grip: 3 sets of 12-15

lat pull down: 3 sets of 12 (160 lb)

seated rows: 3 sets of 10 ( machine)

Backwards flyes: 3 sets of 15 (machine)

bent over (2 handed ) rows: 3 sets of 15 ( 45 lb dumbells)

bent over ( one handed) rows: 3 sets of 8 ( 65 lb dumbell)

one handed hammer curls: 3 sets of 8 ( 45 lbs)

preacher curls: 3 sets of 8 (machine)

reverse curls: 3 sets of 8-12 (95 lbs)

abs: 3 sets of laying down leg lifts with turns, 3 sets of knee lifts on dip machine, 3 sets of ab machine.

day 3

wide stance squats: 3 sets of 10 (225 lbs)

power clean no jerk: 3 sets of 8 ( 155 lbs)

leg extensions, leg curls, squeeze legs together and opposite, but all on machine.

(i do alot more excersises now)

every day at night i work out my forearms using a pbc pipe a string and weight and rolling it one way and the next day the other way(dont know what thats called), when i do the bottom part of my forearm i also grab my curl bar and do wrist curls. i alternate between the top side of my forearm and the bottom side of my forearm every day. to end things off i squeeze my grips 3 sets of 40.


i have wrestling mondays wendsdays and fridays and judo on fridays after wrestling. i dont take any supplements besides protien shakes and multyvitamins (only when i feel tired). i eat a slightly above average amount of chicken, bread, beef, potatoes, milk, vegtables, every day. i eat no fruits or candy. i have about 2-3 junk food meals a week such as halepeno popers or pizza. i run 4 times a week: 3 times at wrestling practice and one time on sunday which is the only day that i dont work out.

(again this is old but is somewhat what my life looks like)

also, when i stop lifting and excersising i gain wieght like crazy, i dont really know why, but i think it is because i eat the same but just dont burn the callories
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