Thread: Creatine
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Old 01-07-2007, 10:56 AM
CortezArmond CortezArmond is offline
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Originally Posted by REDESIGN View Post
When I took Hot-Rox for the first time I just knew I wanted to get thinner and big. NOW however after awesome advice from people here and doing the reading, it's best to do one before the other.

When I first took it I would workout but it wasn't anything to speak of. I would wake up, take the recommended dosage and head to the gym. So by the time I ate it was about an hour-1.5hrs. I would do treadmill and lift, but I wasn't lifting the right way.

Just doing that bit of cardio, and watching (not really dieting) what I ate, I lost a load (21lbs.)

Now, however, my schedule has changes. I need to also figure out a schedule, do I take it right when I wake up (5am) and then RIGHT before I go to the gym take my protein/creatine and then protein/creatine right after workout. Then s**t, shower/shave, then eat breakfast? *hint* anyone got advice?

I just know of the different brands I took when I wanted to look better this one was the one I can say worked for me, for you? who knows, it just did for me. I tried Hydroxycut Hardcore, Didn't like the jitters and the upset stomach. NEVER had that with Hot-Rox. NO, I'm not some sales guy for that stuff either.

Best of Luck, and if you try it out, PLEASE let me know, good or bad how it works for you!!
Im def going to buy it and give it a shot. As a college student, ill mostly do the cardio between classes(gaps) and training after classes which are 4pm and 7pm during the week. Im battling the same problem you are, when to take the pills because before training im downing creatine/protein shake. so when do i take the pill? what would you suggest, because cutting is mu main goal then toneing.also hot rox also comes in EXTREME so which one is best to pick? thanks for the info man.
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