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Old 04-17-2005, 09:21 PM
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Default Creatine, when to take...

Everyone's body is different, and the way all of our bodies react to different supplements is different from individual to individual. Some people have no reaction to supplementing with creatine. So instead of telling you what must be done, I'll just tell you what I do, and what works for me. You should probably try all of the ideas posted on here (ummmm, except the first dude that said he just throws it in his mouth and washes it down with water... ) until you find one that's perfect for you.

My creatine supplementation:

Note: I used to use regular creatine monohydrate, and I've just started using the micronized version of it, and I find it is even better. I'll never go back (especially since I found the micronized kind for an extremely good price at a local place. I occaissionally mix some L-Glutamine and/or Taurine with my mix.

Note: I mix my creatine with 50 grams of dextrose, 16 oz of water and crystal light drink mix (for flavor), or with 25 grams of dextrose and 12 oz of a drink like Fruitopia (Fruitopia mixes really really well with creatines).

Loading stage (1 month - many people only load for a week or two, I have tried this method a couple of times and have found that my body reacts even better if I load for 1 month)

During my loading stage, I ingest creatine 5 to 6 times throughout my day. Usually with breakfast and then every 2.5-3 hours afterwards.

Note: I have found no great benefit to supplementing with creatine right before workouts, but have found some benefit to supplementing shortly after. I usually have my post workout protein drink, and wait for about a half an hour to digest and then I have a dose of creatine.

I end my loading stage after aproximately a month (it's never exactly a month, because I do everything in my workout based on how my body is reacting, not by a specific numeral preconception) when I notice that there is no longer a benefit to the creatine 5-6 times daily. At which point, I go down to using it 2-3 times daily. Usually in the morning, then half hour after my work out (as previously stated) and then finally in the mid evening. I stay in this stage for about another month.

I find that after the second month, my body seems to adapt to all of the creatine saturation, and I then quit cold turkey for a week to two weeks (I still feel the pumps from the creatine, although to a lesser extent). I figure during this phase, which I call my "flushing" stage, my body is getting back to normal due to homeostasis, and the day that I notice the creatine pump gone, even if for just one work out, I immediately start my loading stage over again.

Everyone's different, so try different things until you notice your body reacting at it's best, then go with that.

Take it easy bro,


Last edited by Boxing Raven; 04-19-2005 at 10:18 PM.
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