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Old 02-13-2007, 12:53 PM
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hrdgain81 hrdgain81 is offline
Rank: Light Heavyweight
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3,713
Default Bone Head mistake (+ update)

So I was in the gym yesterday, and it was a long day man, I was pretty beat when I got there. So I settled down, got in to the squat rack and went to town. Then I hit flat bench, and busted out my sets. I'm not sure why it didnt hit me earlier, but I am a moron, and I did next weeks workout this week.

Now normally I would be a little worried that it would throw me off in some way. But by the time i looked at my routine, I had blown through my workout, and the wieghts moved very easily. Now its not a huge difference, it was a 10lb jump instead of 5lbs. But just for instance on bench last week i hit 240 for 5 and was pretty much gassed, this week i hit 250 for 5 and I felt like i could have done 5 more.

Perhaps my muscle memory is starting to kick in, or maybe it was the wms i've been sippin on. either way, i havent been sore in a few weeks and things seem to be coming together. Shit even my squat technique feels 100% better. Feeling good about my progression, any thoughts/suggestions on my missed week?
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