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Old 02-14-2007, 04:48 AM
Musclehead24 Musclehead24 is offline
Rank: New Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 16


I have a few questions for you to consider first :

1)Whats the difference between a 5x5 and 4x5-7? Or How is doing a 4x5-7 so much different than a 5x5?

2)How much of a difference to your shoulders will incline make when you're already doing heavy overhead press?

3)Why sacrifice direct shoulder pressing for something that uses shoulders as a secondary muscle, especially when you wanna develop your shoulders?

4)Why sacrifice poundages by switching Flat with Incline bench when bench works deltoids (as well as many other muscles) as a secondary muscle as well?

1. I don't like 5x5 because of the ramping weight over a period of time. Honestly when I did 5x5 I didn't gain much strength and I didn't get any size.

2. The incline bench is on a high angle at my gym and it really hammers my shoulders. If I was to military press after Im sure I'd be a lot weaker for it.

3. The only reason I was thinking of doing incline is becuse I want to get my bench up and I think the weak link is my shoulders.

4. Again, its cause I thought getting strong on the incline bench would help me power through my sticking point on the flat bench. For example if I could get up to doing 200 on incline I know I could do around 240 on flat because its so much easier.
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