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Old 03-01-2007, 06:09 AM
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hrdgain81 hrdgain81 is offline
Rank: Light Heavyweight
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Why dont you post your entire workout schedual and routine. and also your meals and suppliments. Its kind of hard to give advice on the info you provided.

As for the detour bars, I stay away from them. I remember not too long ago seeing an article on how they contained a lot more sugar then the label claims. This could have been corrected by now, but I wont eat them either way.

Bars are not the same as shakes, especially if your taking them as a post workout protien suppliment. You have a 30-40 minute anabolic window post workout, you want to get liquid protien and carbs to your muscles ... it takes much longer to absorbe solids and have them transported to muscle.
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