Thread: 2 adays
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Old 03-01-2007, 12:01 PM
ForeverANoob ForeverANoob is offline
Rank: New Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 26

Aight Thanks first off for the info
Secondly yes I am bionicly enhance :P (pun on bionic man)
Anyways I do want to lose fat which is another reason why I work out so much, and do low to no carbs.
Energy is something I really dont have any problems with which is another reason I dont feel the need to take in a ton of carbs. I havent been sore much at all(which i accredit to superdrol,3 10 mg
caps of it)
Also I dont know what carb cycling is so obviously I not doing that.

Ohh and btw I am 325 6'4"
As far as muscle mass goes will this work out routine make me lose muscle mass/strenth as big as I am. I do have other to lose, but I wanted to bulk first and then cut.

My main plan is to Build Strenth and muscle.

Also I do plan to change my routine the morning will stay the same but the afternoons will change to something like this.
Monday afternoon
4x6 flat bench
4x6 incline
4x6 dumbbell bench
3x8 cross over


6x8 heavy leg press
6x8 quad work
6x5 dead lift

And those will be on a 3 day cycle, or would it be smarter to put abs in on the arm day and the back on the legs and make it 2 day cycle.

Thanks for all the help.
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