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Old 03-01-2007, 12:18 PM
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hrdgain81 hrdgain81 is offline
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Well if your doing a superdrol cycle then it makes sense that you could sustain those workouts like you have been. When it comes to pct it will be a different story. your body wont be able to heal like it is right now, so you will undoubtedly have to switch some stuff up.

If your looking for strength gains, I'd suggest running a 5x5 routine, it really is the best way to go for strength IMO. and yes, constant low carbing will lead to catabolism, and if it doesnt, you will definately not be able to gain strength. (past a certain point) the reason its working now is your "bionic" hahaha I like that.

Carb cycling diets such as TKD(timed ketonic diet), CKD (cyclical ketonic diet), and UD2 (ultimate diet 2.0) center around cycling periods of low carbs, with short bursts of carbs. This can help you reatain your muscle mass, and in some cases add to it.

Ohh and btw I am 325 6'4"
As far as muscle mass goes will this work out routine make me lose muscle mass/strenth as big as I am. I do have other to lose, but I wanted to bulk first and then cut.
good call, you definately want to bulk then cut. its very hard to bulk with no carbs, my advice would be to go all out with the bulking, get good carb sources in durring your meals, and high GI around your workouts, it will help your bulk alot. Then once your as strong as you want, then go with a carb cycling diet like i mentioned above.
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