Thread: PCT anyways..
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Old 03-12-2007, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Skeetopunk01 View Post
I'm seeing results and that's all that matters. I have no acne, no joint problems and no sexual side effects. I have gained a few pounds, went up 40-50 pounds on my core lifts in 6 weeks so something is working. I dont need any bloat or temperment problems so this seems to be a safer alternative.
Of course there are no side-effects because all you're taking is essentially a lot of expensive vitamins and other non-descript products with steroid-sounding names. Come on, Novedex??, (Nolvadex of course), Paravol?? (Parabolan).

If these substances were real anything, wouldn't they have their own names? Do you really think it's a coincidence that the names happen to sound the same as real drugs??

It's all marketing, plain and simple, just to sell you something..
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