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Old 03-23-2007, 02:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Eric3237 View Post
The only think I will not let go is the crack about venerating doctors. You obviously haven't heard much of what I've said. I have a chronic disease that I suffer with every day of my life. One of it's symptoms is chronic fatigue. And yet I train my ass off. I give specific advice and don't speak in generalities. If I were to take the easy way out I would tell everyone to train the same way without any consideration as to their experience level and goals.

I know better than anyone about the limits of doctors. I have permanent scarring in my lungs to show for it. Don't make broad assumptions about someone you don't really know. You are new to this forum and maybe you should sit back and listen a little before you decide how much I know. Sorry but the doctor thing got me going. I'm a patient man but for right now my patience is a little short.
I'm very sorry Eric, I didn't know our discourse was to be limited by how patient you are with it. I didn't know I was being humored.

In all honesty I'm not sure why that pissed you off so. I was simply throwing back what you threw at me and in what I thought was a light hearted way and only after your comment that I don't like Doctors, which you said first I might add.

Did you not mention that I don't like Doctors? I'd never said that either so aren't you making the same generalitys?

Did you not say that you prefer a Doctor's advice over any research? I simply said that you venerate them of course only in the context of who's advice you prefer. You do venerate a Dr's opinion over a researcher's. Did you not say that in spite of the studies I presented that you would rather listen to Doctors? What's wrong in saying that? I personally venerate researcher's over Doctors. So what? That's been an overiding part of our entire discourse. With all your insistance about things being looked at in the intentioned context can't I be given the same benefit of doubt?

I might add that I've started or ended every post with a light-hearted attempt at humor so as to context my writing in the way I intend it so as not to alow this to happen. Have I not? I don't recall any response to my attempts from you to let me know your posts are not meant mean-spirited.

It's also unfair and belittling to say I should "should sit back and listen" because I'm new. I don't recall that being a policy for newbies. Did I not show proper respect to your long time on this board? At what point in my "sitting back and listening" can I come out and speak my mind? Obviously you're not used to being refuted.

I honestly thought our relationship would be different. That we could disagree, state our reasons, and all learn from it. Again have I not over and over always addendumed my posts with praises for you for keeping it that way? I frankly don't recall it being returned no more than my attempts at keeping things lite and humerous. I'm not saying you've been anything less than gentlemanly in our threads but I will say I went out of my way to make sure my posts were not taken as mean-spirtied. For you to take that benign comment as a personal attack really is ridiculous. I have no way of knowing about your medical condition. I still don't see why that would piss you offeven if I did know???

You certainly can't think my comment was mean-spirited. Just for the record it was not, but I couldn't possbly have known that that was a sore spot. I'm very sorry to hear of your condition. I'm not sure what your particular problem is but I have a sister with a very bad case of lupus. I certainly know the ravages it can bring. I am frankly insulted that you would make an assumption, as you acuse me of doing, that I could possibly know your condition and what's worse that I would intentionally throw a barb at it. Where have I acted in a manner that would make you take my comment in a bad way?? If you agree that it was unintentional than why get so upset? Could there be another issue here?

I sincerely apologize for the turn our discourse has taken. I really hope we can continue as I've enjoyed the experience and have learned from it. However I can't be expected to know every quirky little hot spot you may have..

Unless you prefer differently I'll look forward to more enlightening debates and consider us friends..

There are in fact, two things: science, and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. -Hippocrates of Cos
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