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Old 03-28-2007, 11:08 AM
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i was wondering if i am at 27% body fat. wouldnt HIIT and a better diet help best?
also ive been having trouble trying to find a proper diet. i LOVE to eat. im really having a hard time what is going to work for me.
Well if you are at 27% then any sort of cardio will benefit you as long as your diet is in check, shouldn't matter if its HIIT or some other form.

You said it yourself, you love to eat. I don't know if this means junk food or what not but I am going to guess your diet isn't the best.

If you can get your diet in check by eating quality meals with protein, good carbs, and healthy fats then you should make some progress. Fat loss is all about calories in verses calories out so you are going to need to figure out where you are currently at. I would suggest using something like to keep track of exactly how much you eat a day and then use that as your starting baseline measurement. Once you get that you can start making healthy food changes and decreasing the total calories. Alot of people are amazed by just how many calories they actually eat when they do the calculations.

Fat loss supplements aren't a miracle and most people waste their money on them without fixing what got them fat in the first place. Once you get everything in check you can start thinking about fat loss supplements, but you will benefit much more from a healthy diet and cardio just like you suggested.
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