Thread: Critique needed
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Old 03-29-2007, 07:05 AM
FlyUSMC FlyUSMC is offline
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Default Critique needed

Well, I am now able to concentrate more fully on lifting, as opposed to cardio. I am being forced to decline my contract with the Marines due to chronic shin splints. I've been fighting them for a long time, but after no cures have been found I realize that there's no way I'll ever make it through training. I could go on with all of the bad implications of this, but for there is some good to it, as far as bodybuilding goes. I can now focus my attention on lifting, instead of hard cardio and speedwork. This will also make fat loss vs. muscle loss a lot easier. Though I would like to bulk first, summer is coming rapidly so I'm going to start with a cut. I'll start bulking midway through the summer, or maybe at the start of the next school year (late August). Once again, I'm 20, 5'10", 165lb, and probably about 15% BF (estimate). The HB formula puts me at about 1800 cal for cutting, I'll use the 50/35/15 ratio and burn about 300 cal in exercise. My routine is as follows: 30 min steady state cardio 6x/week, Rippetoe's right after cardio MWF. My diet (before critiquing) is something like this:
0800 (wake up): 1 scoop whey protein, 1 slice bread, 1tbsp low sugar jelly
1000: veggie burger (10/3/15)
1100-1230: workout, pre-wo, lift, pwo
***on lifting days, I'll have 15g carbs and 12g protein (2 slices of bread, 1/2 scoop whey) between cardio and lifting. My PWO on lifting days is 1 scoop whey, 1/2c oats, 1 tin of tuna, and 1/2c gatorade. On non-lifting days it is 1 scoop whey, and 1/2c oats.
1430: Green veggies, dead animal, minimal carbs (crutons, usually)
1730: egg whites and/or 1 tin of tuna, maybe some fat free cheese, 1tbsp natty PB
2030: chicken breast, 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil (or 1tbsp PB, or 1oz nuts)
2300: 1tbsp PB/1oz nuts/1tbsp olive oil
2400/0000: bed

On a side note, my screen name is rather ironic there a way to change this?
We can rebuild him...
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