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Old 04-03-2007, 01:37 PM
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Iron Iron is offline
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Man that's refreshing to hear. I'll bet you won't find another person on any board anywhere that agrees with that. Drinking water has become almost a religion.

I agree, I doubt drinking overly copious (how's that for a word?!) amounts of water will become a public hazard but it's just not necessary. It's a product of ingenious marketing or at least of capitalizing on it.

Carrying a bottle with you everywhere screams, "look at me I'm being healthy!" I get a kick out of carrying a bottle of Cherry Coke (diet of course) around in the gym!

And yeah water is water. It's still H2O regardless of what's it's mixed with! It all ends up mixed up in your gut anyway. Some people think the diuretic properties of coffee/tea cause you to lose more total water than you take in. That's another one. Where's the science on that one??! Some of this stuff is just stupid..

The big point is that you can't cram more water, nutrients, etc. into the cells. Anything more than what the body can use is simply flushed out. Extra amounts don't "flush out toxins." It's not like you can pressurize your body with water to force flush toxins out like a automobile radiator. But to most people, it makes sense so they buy into it.

Definitely agree that if you're out in excessive heat and are working, exercising or whatever that you do need to force fluids some. I've had the same thing happen to me as well. I've also noticed that on days like that I can drink what seems like gallons and never have to pee. I'm using all I'm consuming. You may dehydrate quicker than your thirst can keep up. Obviously in exteme cases you can dehydrate and actually die while drinking all you possible can. So you do need to be careful.
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