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Old 04-17-2007, 11:58 AM
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Frontline Frontline is offline
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If you have an accurate number of your daily caloric intake start to slowly reduce calories each week until you see some movement on the scale. For example, if your daily caloric intake is currently 3,000 calories try reducing it by 200-300 calories a day for the first week and see what happens. The trick is not cut calories too much. If your not really sure how much you take in daily use something like to keep track of your food, you might be surprised at the results.

Second, make sure your eating alot of small meals a day with healthy fats, proteins, and carbs. I would say at least 5-6 meals a day. This will keep your body's metabolism burning throughout the day as compared to eating three big meals.

Third, try adding in more cardio. You did not specify how many times a week you do cardio, so if its only two sessions try adding in a third.

The scale can be a tricky thing which is why I tend not to judge my fatloss results by it. I would suggest taking pictures and measurements then compare them every few weeks. The scale may say their is no progress but your body might be recompositioning itself.

Slowly make some of these changes and you should see movement. The trick is not to do anything drastic as you don't want to lose the muscle you have put on.
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